Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oh blogging...

One of my goals for 2010 was to get better about blogging - its half way through February and I guess I haven't gotten very far. Snap. It is a goal though! I will get better. I have a lot to post about and am shooting sessions all the time, I just forget to blog. I also am a blog stalker and read other people's blogs CONSTANTLY so some how my own seems to fall to the wayside. It is February over here in Saint Louis and its warm right now fabulously warm. I am in love. I love to sit in my car in the winter pretending I am at the beach and just bake in the sun because clearly its far too cold to sit outside! But, life has been good on our end, lots of new things happening and lots to talk about. This is a quick post because I must get outside to play! Damn snow go away!